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Why You Should Replace a Lost Tooth

If you’ve lost a tooth, you may honestly be wondering why you should go to the hassle of doing something about it, such as getting an implant. What can it possibly hurt to have one less tooth? Here are some reasons that replacing that lost tooth is very important, for your health, happiness, and well-being.

It is important for the health of your mouth

Having all of your teeth in a row without any gaps is actually quite important. If you are missing a tooth, the other teeth have room to move and shift out of place. This may not seem like it would be that harmful, but over time this can lead to changes in the muscles of your jaw and face. In turn, this can lead to painful jaw joint problems, such as TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), which can cause headaches, neck pain, and problems with eating.

It is important for your overall health

Some people find themselves avoiding food that is difficult to chew when missing a tooth. You may not even notice you are doing it at first, but eventually you may realize that you are not only avoiding your favorite foods, but foods you need to stay healthy, such as fruits and vegetables.

It is important so that you can enjoy your life!

Avoiding your favorite foods is no fun; neither is trying to hide that gap in your mouth. Replacing a tooth means you don’t have to feel self-conscious when you smile or laugh. And, if you don’t take care of a missing tooth, it may also change the look of your mouth, which may start to sag and make you look older than you really are. It can also make it difficult to speak properly – all of which can affect your self-esteem over time.

If you are missing a tooth, a dental implant is a great option to replace it. A dental implant feels and looks just like a real tooth, making you feel better about your appearance while helping  you to avoid any health issues. Call Hampton Dental Associates at 414-377-5711 to make an appointment today!

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