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3 Ways You May Be Harming Your Child’s Smile

smiling mother teaching cute baby how to brush teeth with toothbrushIt isn’t easy being a parent. You do the best job you can and yet things don’t always work out like they should. Take your child’s dental health, for example. You may have some preconceptions and some habits that are harming your child’s smile, but you don’t even realize it. Here are a few things you may be doing that could prevent your children from growing up with healthy, beautiful smiles!

Spreading Infection

Just about every parent has done it: “wash” their baby’s pacifier by sticking it in their mouth. It might seem like a good way to get rid of debris, but it is actually a good way to spread bacteria that may cause cavities and gum problems from your mouth to your baby’s. Don’t share anything with your baby that goes into the mouth, and wash pacifiers with warm, soapy water.

Ignoring Problems With Baby Teeth

Yes, the baby teeth will someday fall out, but that doesn’t they shouldn’t be taken care of. Baby teeth act as placeholders for permanent teeth, and if they are lost too early because of tooth decay, the permanent teeth may come in crooked (meaning your child will need orthodontic care later). A baby tooth with decay can also lead to infection that extends down into the jawbone, which causes permanent damage.

Failing To Set a Good Example

Your children are watching you, even if it doesn’t seem like they are! It is important to make sure they brush and floss every day, but setting a good example by doing this yourself is just as important. Show them that you take care of your teeth by brushing (at least twice a day for 2 minutes) and flossing with them, and don’t just take them to the dentist for checkups – make sure you go as well!

Being a parent takes hard work. There is always something to do and you always have to be on guard for potential problems. The staff at Hampton Dental Associates in Milwaukee can help – at least with the dental-related issues! Call (414) 464-9021 today to make dental checkup appointments for the whole family!

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