A Great Smile is Always in Style

shutterstock 150081311We have all learned that we should take good care of our teeth and gums, and most of us do as we were taught from early childhood well into adulthood. Sure, there may be a few years here and there where we forget to be vigilant, but those short bouts of neglect should result in relatively little harm to the longevity of our smile. What concerns us is the idea that a healthy, attractive smile is not a necessity for older adults. It is, and here’s why . . .

Retirement Age is a Relative Term

There used to be a line of demarcation at which an adult would hang up his career-hat for good. Not anymore. Today, retirement is a bit of a myth. Most older adults who retire from their primary career enter into a second-career phase to keep busy. It doesn’t matter if the work you do is for charity or if you have started your own business later in life; your smile greets others even before your handshake. To have healthy, attractive teeth means that you carry yourself with more confidence, and that’s just good for business, regardless of what that is.

There is a Social Aspect to a Stunning Smile

Let’s say you have decided to retire fully and are no longer going to an office day after day. Chances are you still want to socialize. We continually hear of the escapades our older patients enjoy: long afternoon lunches or even dance classes to stay physically fit. Relationships are not meant only for the young; they are for the young-at-heart, biological age aside. Many relationships are formed later in life, which gives us, even more, reason not to give up on our healthiest, most welcoming smile.

Health is Wealth

Our health is our most valuable asset. Older adults in this day and age have so much support in the way of information and optimal healthcare to help them maintain physical health at any age. Dentistry is also an aspect of staying healthy because numerous research studies have connected the dots between poor oral health and poor physical health. For example, gum disease is linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and more.

We have been so proud to serve the families of Milwaukee for the past 4 generations. To schedule your visit with us, call 414-377-5711.

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