Reconstructive dental solutions available for new and existing patients in Milwaukee, WI

Reconstructive Dentistry Milwaukee, WIMilwaukee, WI area patients who are seeking reconstructive dental solutions to repair their smile are encouraged to speak to the team at Hampton Dental Associates, SC to discuss their options with Dr. Richard Winter.

What restorative procedures are available at the practice?

Our practice provides the following services for reconstructive dentistry:

  • Bone grafting – patients who have lost bone due to periodontal disease, or those who are interested in placing dental implants but are not proper candidates, are welcome to ask our team about the benefits of bone grafting. Bone grafting helps in reconstructing the bone of the jaw to prepare it for implants or to keep it strong and properly functioning.
  • Root canal therapy – when the dental pulp inside of a tooth becomes infected, or a tooth cavity gets too deep, it may require patients to undergo a procedure called root canal therapy. Root canal therapy is a procedure that allows patients to maintain their natural tooth without the need for permanent extraction. Contrary to popular belief, root canal treatment is done under proper anesthetics and sedation and is not painful.
  • Gum disease treatments – when conditions such as periodontal disease occurs, it requires immediate diagnosis and treatment to keep it from becoming a serious issue. Also known as gum disease, this condition may require a variety of treatments, including antibiotics, a deep cleaning, or even scaling and root planing. During an evaluation, the dentist is able to assess the smile and determine the stage at which the condition has reached to decide the best possible treatment to restore the health of the smile. Gum disease cannot be cured, but it can be controlled.

Schedule a visit today!

Dr. Richard Winter is a dental professional at Hampton Dental Associates, SC who provides Milwaukee, WI patients with solutions for their smile, especially when reconstructive dental needs are required. If you are ready to speak to a dentist about the treatment options available to you, book a consultation appointment by calling 414-377-5711 and visiting the office at 5323 West Hampton Avenue. We accept new and existing families into our facility for comprehensive dental care.

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