Case Details
Case Study for Frenectemy, Laser, Pre-Prosthetic Surgery, Tension Free Flaps for implants. Also under LightScalpel, CO2 laser, Implant soft tissue surgery. Patient is EP.
Description: Photo 1: This shows a tight frenum or flap of tissue pulling on the area around a failing bridge. Since implant treatment and bone grafts are needed; this flap of tissue needs removal to allow for stretching of the tissue to cover the bone graft. Removal of this tight tissue decreases pulling on the skin allowing the bone graft to be covered gently. Photo 2: Is another view of the tight tissue.
Description: Photo 3 shows the gums after the tissue was removed with the LightScalpel 10,600nm CO2 laser. Photo 4 shows another view of the healed tissue.
Description: Photo 5 shows an Essix appliance or a temporary the patient wears to show us where proper implant placement will be required. Photo 6 shows natural smile with temporary prosthesis.