img class=”size-medium wp-image-3985 alignleft” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/IMG_0709-1-1-300×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”300″ />It is finally starting to get a bit nicer outside, and kids are anxious to get out there and enjoy the sunshine. Is your child a part of a sports team? If so, there are some steps you should take to make sure their teeth are protected from damage – no matter how “low contact” their chosen sport might be, you never know what might happen when kids are all running around together.
Make sure their teeth are healthy
A great way to protect your child’s teeth (and not just during a game) is to make sure their teeth and gums are strong. Help them to develop healthy habits, such as brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day. They should see their dentist twice a year for regular checkups, and make sure to make an appointment for them right away if they complain of any pain in their mouth.
Have a good dentist
You want a dentist that not only keeps your child’s teeth healthy with regular checkups, but one you can count on to help if your child has a mouth injury. You might also want to learn the basics of what to do if there is a tooth emergency, such as a broken tooth or a tooth that has been knocked out. In either case, steps should be taken to protect the tooth and the mouth, and your child should see the dentist as soon as possible.
Get a mouthguard
Mouthguards are a good idea for kids who play sports, especially if the sport might end up being high contact (such as soccer). Mouthguards are especially important if your child has braces. Ask your child’s dentist what type they recommend.
Spring and summer sports can mean a lot of fun for kids (and parents) – but don’t forget that children’s teeth have to be protected. And, when you have kids, it is always a good idea to know how to handle a tooth emergency. The staff at Hampton Dental Associates in Milwaukee can help your entire family to have healthy, strong teeth. Call the office for an appointment, at 414-377-5711.