Is Eating Becoming a Pain?

Dental Procedures Milwaukee, WI Eating is somewhat a matter of health and wellness, and it is also a matter of pleasure. We may forget this fact until eating starts to become less pleasant for one reason or another. One of the common frustrations that too few people are talking about is sensitivity. This is something we should talk about, because teeth that are sensitive may be more than a nuisance.

Far too often these days, sensitivity is misperceived as a problem in and of itself. This could be because there is marketing out there that portrays it as such; marketing that says “get rid of sensitivity by brushing with this!” Wouldn’t it be nice if there were no more sensitivity nagging at our enjoyment during meals? We can agree it would, but we also have to point out there may be a right and a wrong way to get there.

The thing about sensitive teeth is that this problem very rarely “just happens.” Our teeth have a hard outer coating of enamel. This is an incredibly durable material that shields the inner, softer matter from stimuli. When teeth ache or throb when they are touched by anything other than tepid temperatures, there may be a reason, and it’s worth investigating what that could be.

Sensitivity from . . .


One of the first prediction of a cavity in the works. Cavities occur when a small area of enamel wears down due to higher concentrations of acid in that particular spot on the tooth. Acidity is the result of bacteria, which reside in plaque, an invisible biofilm that adheres to teeth. When the local area of enamel begins to deteriorate, there is a porthole through which stimulus can affect the nerves of the tooth.

Root Exposure

The roots of our teeth are situated very near to the nerves of our teeth. It makes sense, then, that an exposed root would send shivers up through the network of nerves. The way that roots become exposed is by gum recession. The gums pull back from teeth when acidity from plaque weakens this soft tissue.


Teeth can erode no differently than a seaside cliff. And again, this occurs in the mouth when acidity leans to the stronger side. Erosion is the same type of demineralization that occurs before cavity forms, but it is more widespread. Rather than stemming from bacteria, erosion usually has more to do with the foods and beverages we are consuming.

Your Milwaukee dentist is interested in helping you enjoy a healthy smile. If sensitivity is something you experience on a regular basis, give us a call. A thorough exam can point us in the direction of cause and appropriate treatment.

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