Wisdom teeth seem to get a bad rap and rightly so, sometimes.
There are interesting things to know about wisdom teeth besides the usual things:
• They are big teeth at the very back of your mouth, they can be a nuisance, they are usually removed…and afterward you get to eat milk shakes.
Want to know more? Read on.
- Wisdom teeth are the only teeth that are not formed in the womb.
- Thirty-five percent of the population is born without wisdom teeth. Whether our teeth have evolved or culture is responsible is up for debate. But it seems we no longer need these teeth for survival.
- While most people have four wisdom teeth, having more (supernumerary teeth) or less (hypodontia) is possible.
- According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, an estimated 85% of wisdom teeth will eventually need to be removed. This can be because the teeth are impacted or because the area is difficult to reach and difficult to clean.
- Nine out of ten people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth. When there isn’t enough room for a tooth to enter the mouth fully, it is called “impacted.” If left in the mouth, it may damage neighboring teeth, or become decayed due to the difficulty in reaching and cleaning that area of the mouth and gums.
- The most common and serious consequence of impacted wisdom teeth is gum (periodontal) disease which can affect your general health and the health of your mouth and gums.
- Wisdom teeth are commonly removed to prepare for orthodontic treatment.
Hampton Dental Associates specializes in happy, healthy smiles!
If you are concerned about your or your child’s wisdom teeth or are contemplating orthodontic treatment, call for a consultation with Dr. Winter, today: 414-377-5711.